According to the error findings, it was likely that the problem was caused by the HDMI PCB.
- This must also be transmitted to the amplifier stage (main PCB) via a power supply
that is shared among the PCBs. After extensive analyzes and measurements,
it has been shown that the noise from the DC-DC converter (step-down) circuit
part on the HDMI PCB is fed back to the +15 V supply voltage, which, as suspected,
also transmits the interference signal back to the audio stage (Main-PCB).
It turned out that a solder joint of an SMD resistor "R924" (circled in red in the picture) that had become cold over time caused a loose contact.
Because after pressing the component, the interference signal has increased significantly. After resoldering the resistor, the cause (trigger) of the problem could be eliminated.
However, the IC "IC812" has probably also been affected by the loose contact, because a background noise is still present. The IC will now be replaced...